
P.I.R.A.T.E. ™ can be installed on most surfaces without major preparations. The system can be applied to stone, metal, wood, and synthetic panels. Once installed, the product is easily maintained and requires no special handling. P.I.R.A.T.E. is a surface application that is installed without screws or any other feature that damages or alters the surface to which it is applied. The system provides a weatherproof realistic façade that is easily repaired by the end user. No special tools or materials are required for everyday care and use of the P.I.R.A.T.E. ™ facade product line.

Initial installation of P.I.R.A.T.E. ™ treatments are completed by certified and trained MW Defense Systems technicians. MW Defense Systems technicians are required to complete training provided by MW Defense Systems in order to receive this technical certification. This approach ensures the highest quality installation and validates our warranty.

In the event that the end user has a requirement to change the appearance of the training environment, the second application can be applied over the first layer even more rapidly. P.I.R.A.T.E. ™ systems are easily removed without damage to the host surface. If there is a change in mission and the facade needs to provide a different geographical appearance, the original P.I.R.A.T.E. ™ can be removed and replaced with new images with no damage to underlying structure.

MW Defense Systems can employ site-specific high-resolution images when provided by the client for mission rehearsals to improve mission readiness. Reconfigured installations are created and applied at an accelerated rate due to the minimum amount of preparation required to create and install the second application.

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